As an experiment, I’m going to start keeping track of the various articles that I read and post them on Fridays. This week you get a short list because I only came up with the idea on Thursday. Without further ado:
How Empires Fall - An interview with the Jonathan Schell, author of The Unconquerable World, about the nature of nonviolent revolution. Fascinating, now I need to read that book.
Lorem Ipsum - A brief look at just how sad journalism in the US has become, which reminded me of a video I saw on Tobias Buckell’s blog a while back.
The End In Afghanistan? - Another piece from, this time about the myriad ways in which we are in trouble in Afghanistan.
HR 341: Neo-Feudal Rights Bill - Some examination of a worrying piece of legislation that may soon become law. Imagine if everyone in OWS was arrested simply because someone under the protection of the Secret Service entered the area. As amusing as the idea of weaponized politicians is, I would prefer for it to stay fiction.